🚨 What really happened at Basecamp - Platformer
platformer.news/p/-what-really-happened-at-basecampHow a list of "funny" customer names triggered an internal reckoning
Things your manager might not know
jvns.ca/blog/things-your-manager-might-not-know/Things your manager might not know
How to Apologize to Remotely
clubhouse.io/blog/how-to-apologize-remotelyChristine Cha, a Senior Software Engineer here at Clubhouse, dives into what she's learned about making amends with colleagues and co-workers who you never see beyond a computer screen.
The Zoom Gaze — Real Life
reallifemag.com/the-zoom-gaze/Video conferencing offers an illusory sense of unilateral control over conversations
How to Stop Endless Discussions
candost.blog/how-to-stop-endless-discussions/When we find ourselves in endless debates where everyone defends their idea, we don't know how to handle the situation.
How do you write simple explanations without sounding condescending?
jvns.ca/blog/2020/11/15/simple-explanations-without-sounding-condescending/How do you write simple explanations without sounding condescending?
How to answer questions in a helpful way
jvns.ca/blog/answer-questions-well/How to answer questions in a helpful way
The Art of Debating: A Useful Skill for Software Developers
thevaluable.dev/guide-debate-software-developer-skill/The keys to debate effectively as a software developer and therefore bringing value to yourself and your company.