Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: racism

19 bookmarks tagged “racism

Racism and Grindr: how ethnicity filters factor in | British GQ
For many Black gay men and gay men of colour, the ethnicity filters allow them to find other men and befriend and build a community with them free from othering, fetishisation and white gaze. Many gay men of colour are only invested in romantic relationships with other gay men of colour for this very reason. The ethnicity filters allowed them to curate an experience centred on them for a change. Treating the elimination of the ethnicity filters as a kind of utopian largesse positions...

Ramsey Orta filmed the killing of Eric Garner, so the police punished him - The Verge
He filmed the killing of Eric Garner. The video traveled far, but it wouldn’t get justice for his dead friend. Instead, the NYPD would exact their revenge through targeted harassment and eventually imprisonment—Orta’s punishment for daring to show the world police brutality.

We Need to Talk About Digital Blackface in Reaction GIFs | Teen Vogue
In this op-ed, Lauren Michele Jackson tackles the recurring use of black people as reaction GIFs and its implications in terms of broader “digital blackface.”

La nature est un champ de bataille: essai d'écologie politique
À l’automne 1982, les habitants du comté de Warren, dans le nord-est de la Caroline du Nord, se sont mobilisés pendant six semaines contre l’installation d’une décharge de déchets toxiquesnote. Quatre ans plus tôt, en 1978, une entreprise de gestion des déchets industriels avait entreposé illégalement dans la région d’importantes quantités de biphényles polychlorés (BPC), une substance utilisée notamment dans les transformateurs électriques et la peinture. Une fois découvertes, l’Éta...

What's Wrong with Cultural Appropriation? These 9 Answers Reveal Its Harm — Everyday Feminism
Dressing up as Pocahontas, eating burritos, practicing yoga – what exactly counts as cultural appropriation, and what's the big deal? You've gotta read this to find out.

Evil Thumbs: Videogames, Outrage and Outrage
“They are not the FCC, they are not your mom, they’re just people who have dealt with oppressive systems and cultures their whole lives and don't want to have to deal with the same shit in the media they love, games included.”