Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: politics

93 bookmarks tagged “politics

The Oneida Utopia | Stuff You Missed in History
“which led to the Oneida Community, an 1870s free love commune with a commitment to equality between genders, now a giant silverware company” (via @v21, @katbamkapow)

pierredepaz/politics-of-code: Repository for the code, readings and resources for the Politics of Code class at NYU AD Fall 2016
This course is aimed at deconstructing the design and implementation of software as a political medium, such as Facebook’s timeline algorithm, city officials’ use of computer simulations to orchestrate urban life, blockchain-backed proof of ownership and algorithmic criminal assessment. Along with an introduction to political theory and media studies, coupled with an exploration of the underlying political impacts of those systems, students will work on several hands-on projects to o...

Du logiciel libre aux théories de l’intelligence collective
Cet article interroge la manière dont le mouvement du logiciel libre se trouve constitué dans de nombreux discours en modèle d‘avant-garde de transformations sociales globales. Je montre ainsi comment l’on passe d’une pratique singulière, mise en œuvre par les communautés du libre, à des théories sociologiques, économiques ou philosophiques, qui s’en inspirent largement. Je m’appuie pour ce faire sur les ouvrages récents de Pekka Himanen, Yann Moulier Boutang, Antonio Negri et Michae...

What if jobs are not the solution but the problem? | Aeon Essays
Economists believe in full employment. Americans think that work builds character. But what if jobs aren’t working anymore?

Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O'Neil |
Longlisted for the National Book Award New York Times Bestseller A former Wall Street quant sounds an alarm on the mathematical models that pervade modern...

Trump’s Data Team Saw a Different America—and They Were Right - Bloomberg
The president-elect’s analysts picked up disturbances others weren’t seeing—the beginning of the storm that would deliver Trump to the White House.

Intellectual Proletarians
“though the intellectuals are really proletarians, they are so steeped in middle-class traditions and conventions, so tied and gagged by them, that they dare not move a step.”