CAPS LOCK capitalism took hold of graphic design, and how to escape from it
Mark Zuckerberg's Metaverse reflects our world today - New Statesman Meta’s business model – which has long proven to be successful – is to cater to the normies. Our “real” world remains a normie world. It demands little in the way of aesthetic excellence from the various platforms through which content is delivered, and as long as profit is the only motive for its delivery, creators have no more reason to pursue aesthetic excellence than normies have to expect it.
Tokyo subway’s humble duct-tape typographer - Chris Gaul - Medium story of a humble security guard and his hand-lettered subway signage.
Brutalist design is the bad influence we all need it or not, web-brutalism is moving from something edgy and almost punk to something very mainstream and commercially viable.
Designing Systematic Colors – UX Planet UI is the open source design system that CA Technologies is building for use by all of our products. Color is a core building block of any design system, and it has proven to be one of the…
A Five Minutes Guide to Better Typography — Pierrick Calvez Five Minutes Guide to Better Typography
Logo Crunch - The multi-resolution logo maker your logo multi-resolution in less than a minute. Generate an instant favicon for your website, iOS or Android
Colormind - the smart color palette generator is a deep learning AI that knows color theory. It can generate color palettes from scratch, or it can take your input and intelligently fill in the blanks.
graphic design is a nostalgic field“will these hands never get dirty”
hypertextmarkuplanguage - guide html & css pour les graphistes
Documentation théorique, initiation au code, bases, exemples pratiques et ressources pour les graphistes.