What is Differential Privacy? – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2016/06/15/what-is-differential-privacy/Yesterday at the WWDC keynote, Apple announced a series of new security and privacy features, including one feature that's drawn a bit of attention -- and confusion. Specifically, Apple announced that they will be using a technique called "Differential Privacy" (henceforth: DP) to improve the privacy of their data collection practices. The reaction to this…
Steve Wozniak on why he doesn't have an Apple Watch | afr.com
afr.com/brand/boss/steve-wozniak-on-why-he-doesnt-have-an-apple-watch-20150707-ghfxwxSometimes it's not just the ones that have academic-type knowledge to answer questions, sometimes it's the ones who have actually built projects.
Distractions - Matt Gemmell
mattgemmell.com/distractions/How the Apple Watch changed my relationship with other devices.
The Great Smartphone War: Apple vs. Samsung | Vanity Fair
vanityfair.com/news/business/2014/06/apple-samsung-smartphone-patent-warKurt Eichenwald explores the Korean company’s record of patent infringement and explains why Apple might win the battles but still lose the war.
Work Habits at Apple – Ole Begemann
oleb.net/blog/2014/09/work-habits-at-apple/And I said it’s a lot like working in a nuclear power plant, but you don’t get one of those protective suits. It’s a lot of radiation and you either learn to survive it or you die. ’Cause they’re not mean people, they’re not spiteful people, they’re not trying to trip you up, They’re just very intense and, you know, things emanate from them, right?
MPG - Core Rot at Apple - Apple Core Rot: Introduction
macperformanceguide.com/AppleCoreRot-intro.htmlThe worrisome decline of OS X quality and integrity.