Designing Systematic Colors – UX Planet UI is the open source design system that CA Technologies is building for use by all of our products. Color is a core building block of any design system, and it has proven to be one of the…
Cognitive Accessibility Roadmap and Gap Analysis document is a gap analysis and roadmap for the state of accessibility for people with learning and cognitive disabilities when using the Web and information technologies. It builds on the information presented in Cognitive Accessibility User Research [coga-user-research] and Cognitive Accessibility Issue Papers [coga-issue-papers] to evaluate where user needs remain to be met in technologies and accessibility guidelines. For various accessibility issues, this document provides a...
Implementing a reduced-motion mode are quite a few reasons for someone not to want animations. Some people suffer from motion sickness. Some people suffer from ADHD. Some people simply d...
Asqatasun/Asqatasun: Opensource web site analyser - Opensource web site analyser, used for web accessibility "a11y" and search engine optimisation "SEO"
Simplifying the New WCAG 2.1 Guidelines review in one sentence each of the new criteria appearing in the final 2.1 recommendations
Accessibility Overview explanation of how the accessibility tree works
The Engine Driving Web Accessibility Standardization the 2017 CSUN Assistive Technology Conference in San Diego, Google made an announcement. A tool called Lighthouse was going to be incorporated into Chrome DevTools, and it would perform audits to…