Why I’m done with Chrome – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2018/09/23/why-im-leaving-chrome/This blog is mainly reserved for cryptography, and I try to avoid filling it with random "someone is wrong on the Internet" posts. After all, that's what Twitter is for! But from time to time something bothers me enough that I have to make an exception. Today I wanted to write specifically about Google Chrome,…
Accessibility Overview
chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/lkgr/docs/accessibility/overview.mdTechnical explanation of how the accessibility tree works
The Engine Driving Web Accessibility Standardization
codeburst.io/the-engine-driving-web-accessibility-standardization-4515d87250caAt the 2017 CSUN Assistive Technology Conference in San Diego, Google made an announcement. A tool called Lighthouse was going to be incorporated into Chrome DevTools, and it would perform audits to…