🛠️ How To Write Great Microcopy - The Product Person
theproductperson.substack.com/p/-how-to-write-great-microcopyHere are 40 pro tips for writing microcopy.
How to Edit Your Own Writing - The New York Times
nytimes.com/2020/04/07/smarter-living/how-to-edit-your-own-writing.htmlWriting is hard, but don’t overlook the difficulty — and the importance — of editing your own work before letting others see it. Here’s how.
Technical Writing | Google Developers
developers.google.com/tech-writingTechnical Writing Courses for Engineers
Are.na / Good Sign-Offs
are.na/meg-miller/good-sign-offs"100+ ways to tell someone goodbye"
Federal plain language guidelines | plainlanguage.gov
plainlanguage.gov/guidelines/The official writing guidelines for the Plain Writing Act of 2010.
Ashley Bischoff: “1Up Your Writing with Plain Language”
vimeo.com/238673931Ashley Bischoff presenting "1Up Your Writing with Plain Language" at Fronteers Conference 2017 in Amsterdam, on 5 October 2017 Writing reports and documentation…
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator v1.1
azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator and Editor
Oh God, It's Raining Newsletters — by Craig Mod
craigmod.com/essays/newsletters/On the rise of newsletter production, consumption, and monetization, and how email is one of the most powerful and resilient publishing platforms.
Power Thesaurus
powerthesaurus.org/Power Thesaurus is a free, fast, comprehensive and easy-to-follow online thesaurus for writers.