Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: security

89 bookmarks tagged “security

Ethical Web Development
Ethical Web Development will be a series of short digital books that explore the ethics of practical development topics. The books will be released throughout 2016 and early 2017 as free downloads from O'Reilly.

Comment l’obsession sécuritaire fait muter la démocratie, par Giorgio Agamben (Le Monde diplomatique, janvier 2014)
La formule « pour raisons de sécurité » (« for security reasons », « per ragioni di sicurezza ») fonctionne comme un argument d’autorité qui, coupant court à toute discussion, permet d’imposer des perspectives et des mesures que l’on n’accepterait pas sans cela. Il faut lui opposer l’analyse d’un concept d’apparence anodine, mais qui semble avoir supplanté toute autre notion politique : la sécurité. NB: see also website for relevant footnotes appearing on scroll

Let's Encrypt
Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). ISRG is a California public benefit corporation, and is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

BozoCrack is a depressingly effective MD5 password hash cracker with almost zero CPU/GPU load. Instead of rainbow tables, dictionaries, or brute force, BozoCrack simply finds the plaintext password. Specifically, it googles the MD5 hash and hopes the plaintext appears somewhere on the first page of results. It works way better than it ever should.