⭐️ No more Insight Porn – Jakob Greenfeld – Experiments in Permissionless Entrepreneurship
jakobgreenfeld.com/insight-pornIf you’re not getting something actionable out of it, you’re probably wasting your time
Quickly associate all source code files with your editor in macOS using duti – Alex Peattie
alexpeattie.com/blog/associate-source-code-files-with-editor-in-macos-using-duti/If you're a developer using macOS you've probably had the experience of double clicking, say, a file in Finder only to inadvertantly launch the wrong application, rather than your editor of choice.
Itty Bitty | How it works
itty.bitty.site/itty bitty sites are contained entirely within their own link. (Including this one!) This means they're portable, private, and easy to share.
Meet the GynePunks Pushing the Boundaries of DIY Gynecology | Motherboard
motherboard.vice.com/read/meet-the-gynepunks-pushing-the-boundaries-of-diy-gynecologyA collective of radical bio-hackers and TransHackFeminists are out to reclaim gynecological medicine.
france.code-civil - Le code civil français sous git