- Coup
coup.no/Coup is a photographers agency located in Oslo.
Camera Restricta by Philipp Schmitt, Interaction Designer
philippschmitt.com/projects/camera-restrictaCamera Restricta is a speculative design of a new kind of camera. It locates itself via GPS and searches online for photos that have been geotagged nearby. If the camera decides that too many photos have been taken at your location, it retracts the shutter and blocks the viewfinder. You can't take any more pictures here.
Around the World with Type | Abduzeedo Design Inspiration
abduzeedo.com/around-world-typeTwo design students from India created this pretty awesome project where they take you around the World with type. Each letter stands for a different city around the world. Sit back and take a tour!
What the World's Worst Email Spammers Might Look Like | WIRED
wired.com/2014/12/cristina-de-middel-poly-spam/Cristina de Middel / Poly-Spam
natgeofound.tumblr.com/The best of 125 years of National Geographic photos in a Tumblr http://t.co/oJZ8DXqUF8 (trigger warning: quite addictive)