Opportunities for AI in Accessibility – A List Apart
alistapart.com/article/opportunities-for-ai-in-accessibility/Microsoft's Accessibility Innovation Strategist discusses AI's potential for accessibility, emphasizing the need for responsible use and diverse teams to mitigate harm and promote inclusion for people with disabilities.
Making a PDF that’s larger than Germany
alexwlchan.net/2024/big-pdf/We’re gonna need a bigger printer.
Photoshop for text — Stephan Ango
stephanango.com/photoshop-for-textWhen I think about editing images, a vast array of options come to mind: contrast, saturation, sharpen, blur, airbrush, clone stamp, etc. Even basic image ed...
Text Cleaner: Text Formatter, Text Formatting Online
textcleaner.net/Text Cleaner is Text Formatting online tool to format text, clean up spaces, line breaks, Strip HTML, unformat text, replace text online, text formatter and all text operations.
The Raster Tragedy at Low-Resolution Revisited | Beat Stamm
rastertragedy.com/index.htmFont hinting is an opportunity to get on-screen text rendering as close to the art of printing as the available screen technologies allow.
Can Fonts Really Help Those With Dyslexia? | | Eye on Design
eyeondesign.aiga.org/can-fonts-really-help-those-with-dyslexia/As a child, a cat always became a bat. My name was not Maddy but Mubby. Stranger still, a dog would often take the shape of a bog. My German mother would sit me at the kitchen table and tell me to read aloud from a German book; although I was fluent in the language and loved stories, the exercise was painfully boring
About txt.fyi
txt.fyi/about/This is the dumbest publishing platform on the web. Write something, hit publish, and it's live. There's no tracking, ad-tech, webfonts, analytics, javascript, cookies, databases, user accounts, comments, friending, likes, follower counts or other quantifiers of social capital. The only practical way for anyone to find out about a posting is if the author links to it elsewhere.
github.com/readbeyond/aeneasaeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment) http://www.readbeyond.it/aeneas/
Quill - Your powerful, rich text editor
quilljs.com/Quill is a free, open source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. With its modular architecture and expressive API, it is completely customizable to fit any need.