Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: technology

114 bookmarks tagged “technology

sabbath : simon remiszewski
Sabbath is a box that invites the user to lock away their mobile device. The box, upon closure, stays locked for an indeterminate length of time - ranging from a minimum of two hours to a maximum of roughly 44 days.

The Future of the Web Is 100 Years Old - Issue 21: Information - Nautilus
The Earth may not be flat, but the web certainly is. “There is no ‘top’ to the World-Wide Web,” declared a 1992 foundational…

Camera Restricta by Philipp Schmitt, Interaction Designer
Camera Restricta is a speculative design of a new kind of camera. It locates itself via GPS and searches online for photos that have been geotagged nearby. If the camera decides that too many photos have been taken at your location, it retracts the shutter and blocks the viewfinder. You can't take any more pictures here.

absorptions: The sound of the dialup, pictured
If you ever connected to the Internet before the 2000s, you probably remember how it sounded. But what do these sounds mean?

Steve Wozniak on why he doesn't have an Apple Watch |
Sometimes it's not just the ones that have academic-type knowledge to answer questions, sometimes it's the ones who have actually built projects.

#FOMO at ICA «DIS Magazine
Report of “Fear Of Missing Out” event at London's Institute of Contemporary Art

Adactio: Journal—Hope
That’s my fear. Only time will tell whether the closed or open forces will win the battle for the soul of the internet. But if we believe that centralised, proprietary, capitalistic forces are inherently unstoppable, then our belief will help make them so.

This new type of 3D printing was inspired by Terminator 2 - YouTube
This new 3D printing technology by Carbon 3d looks like science fiction. But it's entirely real. Vox's Joseph Stromberg explains. For more on how it works: h...

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