Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: control

6 bookmarks tagged “control

A fresh new avenue for Google to kill your SaaS startup | Gonzalo Sainz-Trápaga | Medium
Google Safe Browsing is a Google program that can blacklist any website or SaaS application in Google Chrome and other browsers and platforms.

How brains and machines can be made to work together - Thought experiments
IN THE gleaming facilities of the Wyss Centre for Bio and Neuroengineering in Geneva, a lab technician takes a well plate out of an incubator. Each well contains a tiny piece of brain tissue derived from human stem cells and sitting on top of an array of electrodes.

sabbath : simon remiszewski
Sabbath is a box that invites the user to lock away their mobile device. The box, upon closure, stays locked for an indeterminate length of time - ranging from a minimum of two hours to a maximum of roughly 44 days.