Localization Management Platform for agile teams | Crowdin
crowdin.com/Crowdin's localization management platform is a technology solution for your team. Translate and update content for your multilingual product with our cloud software.
Localization Gotchas for Asian Languages (CJK) – Behance Tech – Medium
medium.com/behancetech/localization-gotchas-for-asian-languages-cjk-e52a57c0fde1When you’re working on an app that you expect users from around the world to use, you can save a lot of time by thinking about localization first. It’s much more difficult to retrofit once the app…
Pluralization for JavaScript · An A List Apart Article
alistapart.com/article/pluralization-for-javascriptGetting plurals right in localization is a tricky prospect—each language has its own rules, and exceptions within those rules. How can we scale our websites and apps to respond to our global audience? Tingan Ho shows us how MessageFormat lessens some common pain points in the pluralization process.