Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: language

73 bookmarks tagged “language

The Frink is Good, the Unit is Evil • Hillel Wayne
One day Alan Eliasen read a fart joke and got so mad he invented a programming language. 20 years later Frink is one of the best special purpose languages for dealing with units. “But why do we need a language just for dealing with units?” Glad you asked! Intro to Units A unit is the physical property a number represents, like distance or time. We almost always are talking about SI units, or Système international.

BBC - Future - The simple words that save lives
Lessons from “expert talkers” could make all the difference when helping a person in crisis.

MIT Scientists prove adults learn language to fluency nearly as well as children
This week a new paper was published in the journal Cognition titled “A Critical Period for Second Language Acquisition” that used a new, viral Facebook-quiz-powered method of gathering a huge…

Introducing the JavaScript Internationalization API – Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Firefox 29 issued half a year ago, so this post is long overdue. Nevertheless I wanted to pause for a second to discuss the Internationalization API first shipped on desktop ...

Bullshidex · La Semaine Spéciale
Déconstruire la novlangue managériale appliquée aux champs de l’enseignement et de la recherche.

Styling using language attributes
What is the most appropriate way to associate CSS styles with text in a particular language in a multilingual HTML or XML document?