Who Am I Without My Voice?
nytimes.com/2024/06/12/magazine/losing-voice-singer.htmlI was a singer heading out on tour. Losing my voice was terrifying — but it ended up teaching me everything about myself.
Finding the Hardest Spelling Bee Puzzle
christopherwolfram.com/projects/spelling-bee/The Spelling Bee is a word puzzle published daily by The New York Times. The rules are very simple, which got me thinking about generating puzzles automatically. In this project, I created a metric for measuring the approximate difficulty of Spelling Bee puzzles, which I used to study the space of all Spelling Bees. In particular, I found the easiest and hardest puzzles, and also looked at how the subset of human curated puzzles published by The New York Times fit into the broader space.
How Tennis Balls Became Yellow, Feat. David Attenborough
kottke.org/24/06/how-tennis-balls-became-yellow-feat-david-attenboroughSomehow, I didn’t know that until quite recently, tennis balls were white instead of yellow (Wimbledon used white balls unti
Systems: The Purpose of a System is What It Does
anildash.com/2024/05/29/systems-the-purpose-of-a-system/A blog about making culture. Since 1999.
A Woman Who Left Society to Live With Bears Weighs in on “Man or Bear”
bikepacking.com/plog/man-or-bear-debate/In this piece, long-term bicycle traveler Laura Killingbeck reflects on the "Man or Bear" debate and adds her unique perspective...
Break free from modern addiction
lifenotwasted.org/An online course and community to help you break free from modern addiction and live a fulfilling life. Get access today.
Strudel REPL
strudel.cc/JavaScript version of tidalcycles
Most Common PIN Codes
informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/most-common-pin-codes/How predictable is yours?
How do you accidentally run for President of Iceland?
uxdesign.cc/how-do-you-accidentally-run-for-president-of-iceland-0d71a4785a1eA digital endorsement process gone wrong
True Life: I Called Off My Wedding | Los Angeles Review of Books
lareviewofbooks.org/article/true-life-i-called-off-my-wedding/In an excerpt from LARB Quarterly no. 41, “Truth,” Sarah Yanni accounts for what she left behind when she called off her wedding—and what she couldn’t....
Don’t Bleed on the Artwork: Notes from the Afterlife
oxfordamerican.org/magazine/issue-124-spring-2024/don-t-bleed-on-the-artwork-notes-from-the-afterlifeI’ve been dreaming, I’ve been paying dues I’m not one for the glory And …
Brandy Jensen: "The Polycrisis"
yalereview.org/article/brandy-jensen-polycrisisA review of Molly Roden Winter’s More: A Memoir of Open Marriage and Christopher Gleason’s American Poly: A History.
CCTV Footage Cross-Stitch
kottke.org/24/04/cctv-footage-cross-stitchOh man, I don’t think this could be any more in my wheelhouse: cross-stitch embroideries of CCTV camera images by Franci