Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: typography

161 bookmarks tagged “typography

OpenFoundry / Hot 30
A new platform for open-source fonts in a noise-free environment, to highlight their beauty, extend functionality and encourage further exploration.

Conférence « La véridique histoire de l'arobase » par Marc Smith - YouTube
Marc Smith, professeur de paléographie à l'École nationale des chartes, a donné une conférence, le mardi 29 janvier dernier, intitulée « La véridique histoir...

Amaury Hamon
French Graphic Designer based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Tufte-LaTeX : A Tufte-inspired LaTeX class for producing handouts, papers, and books

Use & Modify
collection of libre/open source fonts, made by Raphaël Bastide

Around the World with Type | Abduzeedo Design Inspiration
Two design students from India created this pretty awesome project where they take you around the World with type. Each letter stands for a different city around the world. Sit back and take a tour!