CSS Reference - A free visual guide to the most popular CSS properties
cssreference.io/CSS Reference is a free visual guide to CSS. It features the most popular properties, and explains them with illustrated and animated examples.
github.com/jeremypetrequin/jsMovieclipjsMovieclip - A javascript little framework to animate spritesheet as AS3 movieclip
basscss.com/Low-level CSS toolkit
FS Millbank - A wayfinding typeface from Fontsmith
fsmillbank.com/FS Millbank is a distinctive wayfinding and signage typeface from leading type foundry Fontsmith.
Page Loading Effects | Codrops
tympanus.net/Development/PageLoadingEffects/index9.htmlPage Loading Effects: Modern ways of revealing new content
3D Cubes Loader
codepen.io/nicolasdnl/pen/VYRXWrA Threejs and Tweenmax experiment...
is.js - micro check library
arasatasaygin.github.io/is.js/Check types, regexps, presence, time and more...
github.com/h5bp/Front-end-Developer-Interview-QuestionsFront-end-Developer-Interview-Questions - A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.