Where to put buttons on forms by Adam Silver, designer based in London, UK.
adamsilver.io/articles/where-to-put-buttons-in-forms/Button placement can make or break a form. Find out the best place to put them in this article.
Form design: from zero to hero all in one blog post by Adam Silver, designer based in London, UK.
adamsilver.io/articles/form-design-from-zero-to-hero-all-in-one-blog-post/90% of the problems found in forms solved in a few hundred precious words.
Writing clearer error messages – UX Collective
uxdesign.cc/writing-clearer-error-messages-d57d6f388140Error messages. Let’s face it, there are a lot of bad ones out there. But when they’re good, they’re wonderful. Why? Because they enable users to get stuff done. Things don’t always run smoothly. Our…
The Definitive Guide to Form Label Positioning — SitePoint
sitepoint.com/definitive-guide-form-label-positioning/Labels are central to good form design but there are many views on where to position them. Jessica Enders delivers the final word in form label positioning.
How to collect gender data – Samsung Internet Developers – Medium
medium.com/samsung-internet-dev/how-to-collect-gender-data-a29f3be2257cSo you are writing a form or building a website where you’re collecting data from your users, you want to add in a gender field. Why? Asking for someone’s gender may be for a variety of purposes…
Respectful Collection of Demographic Data – Sarai Rosenberg – Medium
medium.com/@anna.sarai.rosenberg/respectful-collection-of-demographic-data-56de9fcb80e2Demographic data may be critical to your mission. This article establishes guidelines for respectful design and language for collecting demographic data.
UX How-To with Luke Wroblewski - YouTube
youtube.com/playlistLuke Wroblewski presents how-to tutorials for user experience Intel® Developer Zone: http://intel.ly/2huh0eE Subscribe to the Intel® Software YouTube channel...
selectize.github.io/selectize.js/Selectize is a jQuery-based custom <select> UI control. It's useful for tagging, contact lists, country selectors, and so on.
Personal names around the world
w3.org/International/questions/qa-personal-namesHow do people's names differ around the world, and what are the implications of those differences on the design of forms, databases, ontologies, etc. for the Web?
The 'Credit Card Number' Field Must Allow and Auto-Format Spaces (80% Don't) - Articles - Baymard Institute
baymard.com/blog/credit-card-field-auto-format-spacesDespite 5% of users abandoning checkouts due to credit card validation errors, 80% websites don't actively aid their users in typing and validating the 16-digit card number by auto-formatting it with spaces