Victor Loux Bookmarks

A feed of interesting articles and websites I have recently read. Check out my newsletter for a digest of the best!

Impact Protection Potential of Mammalian Hair: Testing the Pugilism Hypothesis for the Evolution of Human Facial Hair - PMC
Because facial hair is one of the most sexually dimorphic features of humans (Homo sapiens) and is often perceived as an indicator of masculinity and social dominance, human facial hair has been suggested to play a role in male contest competition. ...

Tog's paradox
Tog’s Paradox (also known as The Complexity Paradox or Tog’s ComplexityParadox) is an observation that products aiming to simplify a task for users tend toinspire new, more complex tasks. It’s one of the key reasons for thesymptom of requirements changing after delivery in enterprise softwareproducts, and for feature creep in consumer products. Tog’s Paradox alsoexplains why it’s futile to try to completely nail down requirements for asoftware product, as the product itself will have...

Screen Time App Blocker for iOS
Burnout Buddy is an app blocker for iOS that helps you break free from addictive apps like social media and heal their impact on your mental health.

A studio for your mind
A powerful note-taking tool. All your ideas – typed and connected.