Everything you ever wanted to know about unfurling but were afraid to ask /or/ How to make your… – Slack Platform Blog – Medium
medium.com/slack-developer-blog/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-unfurling-but-were-afraid-to-ask-or-how-to-make-your-e64b4bb9254Those handy little previews you see when you paste a link into a Slack message are what we refer to as unfurling internally at Slack (and also in Slack’s API documentation). While it may sound like a…
Simplifying the New WCAG 2.1 Guidelines
ibm.com/blogs/age-and-ability/2018/02/08/simplifying-new-wcag-2-1-guidelines/A review in one sentence each of the new criteria appearing in the final 2.1 recommendations
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iOS Ref
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