jeremypetrequin/jsMovieclip - A javascript little framework to animate spritesheet as AS3 movieclip
CoffeeScript for Framer.js | CoffeeScript for Framer.js ebook for beginners to CoffeeScript ebook for beginners, learn to leverage Framer.js to prototype user interaction and animation.
Little crowd simulation was watching a presentation about simulating crowd behavior and one slide said "don't path crowd members around each other. It's more natural to make one person stop and allow the other to pass, then keep moving." So I mocked it up. It's buggy but I like the look of it, and it looks less like bird flocks and more like human traffic. - dariusk
Page Loading Effects | Codrops Loading Effects: Modern ways of revealing new content
3D Cubes Loader Threejs and Tweenmax experiment...