Victor Loux Bookmarks Tag: accessibility

164 bookmarks tagged “accessibility

User Research with a non-verbal participant | by Rachel Abbott | Hippo Digital | Dec, 2020 | Medium
A couple of months ago, I was recruiting for research participants to help us improve the user experience of getting tested for Coronavirus. Recruitment can be a real nightmare, even without a…

Coding with voice dictation using Talon Voice · Josh W Comeau
Earlier this year, I developed Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, a repetitive-strain injury, in both of my elbows. As a result, I pretty much can't…

Vime is a customizable, extensible, accessible and framework agnostic media player.

Can blind people use Tinder? - UX Collective
Mobile-first dating apps such as Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble have the potential to greatly benefit the blind community. Unfortunately, advocates of these apps largely ignore the narrative of the blind…

Cost per hour for Accessibility Testing - Sheri Byrne-Haber - Medium
Although I am usually not afraid of confrontation, this is an article that I have avoided writing about for a while. No matter what I write below, I’m going to piss someone off. Spending the last…

Who Can Use
Find out who can use your color combination

The Myths of Color Contrast Accessibility
There's a growing demand for designers to make their interfaces accessible to all users. It's important to accommodate users with disabilities...

Ashley Bischoff: “1Up Your Writing with Plain Language”
Ashley Bischoff presenting "1Up Your Writing with Plain Language" at Fronteers Conference 2017 in Amsterdam, on 5 October 2017 Writing reports and documentation…

What Does a Coder Do If They Can't Type? | Objective Funk
In August of 2015, my hands stopped working. I could still control them, but every movement accumulated more pain, so every motion came with a cost: getting dressed in the morning, sending a text, lifting a glass. I was interning at Google that summer about to begin a PhD in Scotland, but coding all day would have left me in agony. In relating this story, I often mention that for months before I learned to work without my hands, I had nothing to do but go to a bar and order a shot of...